Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Visit to the Farm

Rogan's class went on their first fieldtrip. They went to a small dairy farm in Mesa. Of course there were cows. There were also goats, and chickens. The children got to feed the "kids." Much to my surprise. Rogan held a chicken. I had no idea he could,,, wasn't a bit afraid. They got to run through a hay maze, color, and learn all about the workings of a dairy farm. When we first got there, we noticed a very pregnant cow had started going into labor. By the time we left, we got to see momma and her new baby. It was a very fun filled day !!

Spring Break in California

Rogan and I took a short get away to Nana & Papa's house for Spring Break. The weather was FABULOUS!!! Rogan got in some golf pratice with Papa's tutelage. He even got to bring home his own bucket of balls, some tees and a Rogan sized club. He is having a blast! Papa showed him how to put the tee in carefully, then place the ball on top. It takes a but more practice with little hands. When Paps was out at the golf course playing with the big guys. Nana helped Rogan with a few pointers. We had a great time!!!!! Thanks Nana & Papa !!!