Monday, August 24, 2009


We tried the Bountiful Baskets program this summer.
Such a wonderful assortment of fresh and local fruits and vegetables.
I decided to try my hand at dehydrating.
We dried apples, strawberries, bananas,
melon, grapes and pineapple.
Not a bad little unit. Started with 4 stackable trays,
and 1 fruit roll up tray.
Rogan was a big help laying the fruit pieces on and taking them off.
Seems more fruit made its way into his mouth, then the bag.
In June we were thrilled to find out that Brody
would be coming home from Afghanistan for a 2 week visit.
Isn't he such a handsome soldier!!
He got put to work while he was here too.
Our huge tree in the backyard was in desperate need of trimming.
So up he went to trim and cut as dad instructed.
Amazingly he did very well. But had me awfully nervous!!
He also spent quality time with his brother.
Rogan loves time with Brody,
especially movies and sleeping together.
By far the best is watching David and Brody together !!
They get going and just crack each other up.
Sometimes they laugh so hard they Brody in the pic.
Anybody who is within earshot can't help but laugh too.
It may have been a short visit, but it was sooo wonderful!

Deaf Expo - My Mary Kay booth.

This is my 2nd year I have had a Mary Kay booth at the Deaf Expo in Phoenix.
My 2 newest consultants came and woked at the booth as well.
Had a great time!! Can't wait to do it again next year!!!!

Holy Smokes

Wowzeers! I was looking at some blogs and looked at ours, then bug-eyed at the last time I posted anything. March !! ??? I am a wee-bit behind obviously! Soooo, I will do some updating and catching up for the next few days. Stay tuned!