Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Holidays..... already????

Ugggggg, I swear we just celebrated the 4th of July. SIGH. Where does it all go?
Thanksgiving was good,,, quiet and calm.... we ate out and it was really nice and NUMMY!

Afterward, we took the kids to see the new Disney movie - "Bolt.

It was a nice change, but it definitely had its positives and negatives.
* No planning or shopping --
* No prepping, thawing, peeling, or cooking --
* No dishes to clean up, etc. --
* You can be a couch potato --
* More time to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade -- Negatives:
* House doesn't smell all nummy --
(there are no "turkey cooking" scented candles!)
* No leftovers ----
* No flurry and excitment of company around the house ---
Though we had a very nice relaxing day,,,, I think next year we will
go back to our complicated, busy and happy tradition.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Humor

I couldn't resist!!!!! We all need a laugh now and then.....
May your stuffing be tasty,
May your turkey plump,
May your mashed potaotes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs !!!
Haa Haaa this is my favorite one!!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Rogan's 1st grade class took a fieldtrip to the Phoenix Zoo.
This is the entrance when for the school groups.
Since I chaperoned, (and there were several parents who did),
Collin and Rogan paled around together.
A zoo just isn't a zoo without certain animals...
like the elephant!
or a Ring-Tailed Lemur sunning itself........
A veerrryyyy tall giraffe........
Two uncaged wild imps (with attitude).......
Wilder Beasts ? Gazelles ? Elks?
I forgot what they were....
Back on the school bus..... 3 lil dudes.

We had fun! But I was ready for a nap!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

My Little Engineer

Ohh, the wonders of a boy and his building blocks. Rogan loves building things. He can get so absorbed in it. These are some of the architectural achievements of an afternoon. I pray, I have a few more years before he starts requesting a saw, some wood, nails and a hammer.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voting Day

Did you vote today??? Did you exercise your American right to decide who you want to govern and lead the country you live in ?? Did you pray about the candidates, the propositions, the choices you had?
Regardless of who our next President is,
(and I, like you, have a stronger preference for one over the other),
this is not an easy role or position to step into.
Whatever past experiences, or famous endorsements,
or how much money they raised for their campaigns.....
when all the votes come in, and the final announcement is made...... We will still be One Nation Under God!!!
A strong country with a rich mixture of cultures, languages,
beliefs, and people. A country with a long and proud history for freedom
and fighting for what we believed in,,,,
Freedom of speech, Freedon of Religion, to raise our famillies
in a safe environment, free of war outside our homes
and in our streets, the right to voice our opinion whether
for or against the establishment
without fear of death or retribution, the right to Vote.
If you chose not to vote,,,, then you forfeit the right to bitch and complain about the results. Cause if you didn't take the time to vote, and make a difference, then nobody wants to hear what you have to say afterwards!!!

So..... Did you Vote today ????

Don't you just Love fall ?

I love it when the seasons change, mornings are cooler,
there's more color in the world, you put on your favorite snuggly sweater,
and look forward to the approaching holidays.

Harvest time. Such a variety of vegetables, the colors of squash, pumpkins, corn, apples,,,,,, Here in the Arizona valley, we dont see these color changes.... but I can see them through pictures. I wonder what the first American settlers felt when they saw all the beauty of the season?? I bet it was breath-taking!!!! Thanksgiving is soon at hand. Are you ready ??

Happy Fall !!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Happy Halloween

This year we were invited to attend my dear friend Missy's family Hallowwen Haunt and Festival. What an event!!!! My Knight in shining armor !!!!
He loved this costume. But liked the drawn on mustache and beard more.
Missy always has quite the food spread. This year was no exception.
Pasta bar with red sauce and alfredo sauce, meatballs and chicken, salad,
mummy dogs, and lots of sweet ghostly nummies!!!!
These nummy delights are actually cake pops. She got the recipe from Bakerella website. You should check it out. Once grubbing was done,,, the kids were ready for Trick-or-Treat. There was a good size crowd this year. Several Star Wars characters made an appearance including a miniature version Darth Vader, as well as Wonder-Woman, Spider-Man, The WereWolf, a Jeannie missing her bottle, a kitten, a Cheerleader, a Footabll player....
Buzz Lightyear (Cameo's son Levi) and Rogan the Knight
Several houses in their neighborhood were decorated
and in the haunting spirit.
After Trick-or-Treating, there was Halloween movies
to watch on the garage door. They started with
Charlie Brown's the Great Pumpkin.
Congratulations and Thank you Missy and Brian,,,,,
what a fabulous time we had!!!