Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where does the time go?

It seems as though it was just yesterday, I was putting my new baby boy down to nap.
The is an old song that says
"turn around, and you were a child, turn around and you had grown." (Okay, those may not be the "exact" words... but that's the gist of it)
Brody and his Nana - (he is 16 or 17).
It took a looking at this picture for me to see how
he stood as tall as the other men in the family.
And sported a very nice beard too.

It felt as though I barely closed my eyes,
and when I looked again,
there before me stood a soldier.

That saying, you know the one,
"In a blink of an eye..."

I miss him so veryyyy much !!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Big 1st Grader

First Day of School!!
How exciting!!!!
New backpack, new lunch bag,
new classroom and new teacher.
The camouflage backpack with the "Army Strong" sticker.
This is Brody's influence.
He was so nervous and scared. But then he found out that about 11 other kids from his class last year, have the same teacher this year. YEA!!! Fears dissipated.

Family Vacation July 2008

WE took a family trip and headed north to the BIG SKY country of Montana !!!
I know why they call it Big Sky country. It was absolutely gorgeous!!!

This is at Glacier National Park. About 30 miles south of the Canadian border.

The rivers are beautiful.
We saw a lot of widlife,,, but couldn't really capture them all on film. On our trip we spotted: a moose, a bear, 2 bald eagles, a beaver, antelope, a coyote, deer, pelicans and mountain goats. And a momma and baby mountain goat. What a fantastic time we had, not to mention much cooler weather then back in Arizona. This was taken along the waters of Gates of the Mountains.