Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Holidays..... already????

Ugggggg, I swear we just celebrated the 4th of July. SIGH. Where does it all go?
Thanksgiving was good,,, quiet and calm.... we ate out and it was really nice and NUMMY!

Afterward, we took the kids to see the new Disney movie - "Bolt.

It was a nice change, but it definitely had its positives and negatives.
* No planning or shopping --
* No prepping, thawing, peeling, or cooking --
* No dishes to clean up, etc. --
* You can be a couch potato --
* More time to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade -- Negatives:
* House doesn't smell all nummy --
(there are no "turkey cooking" scented candles!)
* No leftovers ----
* No flurry and excitment of company around the house ---
Though we had a very nice relaxing day,,,, I think next year we will
go back to our complicated, busy and happy tradition.