Did you vote today???

Did you exercise your American right to decide who you
want to govern and lead the country you live in ??

Did you pray about the candidates, the propositions, the choices you had?

Regardless of who our next President is,
(and I, like you, have a stronger preference for one over the other),
this is not an easy role or position to step into.
Whatever past experiences, or famous endorsements,
or how much money they raised for their campaigns.....
when all the votes come in, and the final announcement is made......

We will still be One Nation Under God!!!
A strong country with a rich mixture of cultures, languages,
beliefs, and people. A country with a long and proud history for freedom
and fighting for what we believed in,,,,

Freedom of speech, Freedon of Religion, to raise our famillies
in a safe environment, free of war outside our homes
and in our streets, the right to voice our opinion whether
for or against the establishment
without fear of death or retribution, the right to Vote.

If you chose not to vote,,,, then you forfeit the right to bitch
and complain about the results. Cause if you didn't
take the time to vote, and make a difference,
then nobody wants to hear what you have to say afterwards!!!
So..... Did you Vote today ????