I am having a horrible time trying to get my blog posts just the way I want them. It seems what I see in 'preview' is not always the way it posts.
And what is happening with the background?? Hate this!!!!
Guess I need to play and research some more. Grrr!
Our Family Snap-Shot
These are simple "Snap Shots" of events and happenings in our life.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Holy Moly! Where has the time gone??
Wow! Didn't realize it has been a few years since I last posted on this blog.
I have lots to catch up on.
We left Phoenix, Arizona in October of 2010,
and relocated to Spokane Valley, Washington.
It is GORGEOUS here!!!!
So much greenery.... but next to the desert, I guess anything seems greener.
It is GORGEOUS here!!!!
So much greenery.... but next to the desert, I guess anything seems greener.

This is a street in the historic neighborhood of Manito Park.
Love all the color of the blossoms.
Fall is amazing! So many colors.
I have never seen anything like this
outside of a magazine.
Lots of friends in Phoenix thought I was putting up postcards.
NO! Real deal. Hard to believe....
This is in Couer d'Alene, Idaho.
At North Idaho Community College.
Love working here.
It has been a bit of a change... and some challenges,
but what a wonderful experience it has been.
Monday, August 24, 2009
We tried the Bountiful Baskets program this summer.
Such a wonderful assortment of fresh and local fruits and vegetables.
I decided to try my hand at dehydrating.
We dried apples, strawberries, bananas,
melon, grapes and pineapple.
Not a bad little unit. Started with 4 stackable trays,
and 1 fruit roll up tray.
Rogan was a big help laying the fruit pieces on and taking them off.
Seems more fruit made its way into his mouth, then the bag.
In June we were thrilled to find out that Brody
Isn't he such a handsome soldier!!
It may have been a short visit, but it was sooo wonderful!
would be coming home from Afghanistan for a 2 week visit.
He got put to work while he was here too.
Our huge tree in the backyard was in desperate need of trimming.
So up he went to trim and cut as dad instructed.
Amazingly he did very well. But had me awfully nervous!!
He also spent quality time with his brother.
Rogan loves time with Brody,
especially movies and sleeping together.
By far the best is watching David and Brody together !!
They get going and just crack each other up.
Sometimes they laugh so hard they cry...like Brody in the pic.
Anybody who is within earshot can't help but laugh too.

Deaf Expo - My Mary Kay booth.
Holy Smokes
Wowzeers! I was looking at some blogs and looked at ours, then bug-eyed at the last time I posted anything. March !! ???
I am a wee-bit behind obviously!
Soooo, I will do some updating and catching up for the next few days.
Stay tuned!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Happiness is ..........
Can you guess......?

What my answer is........?????
BEING IRISH, Of course !!!!!
Family Pics
This is probably the closest I will get to a formal family picture.
I guess one should appreciate what they have! haa haa haaaa

Christmas Eve church service.
David's parents and my parents too.
Papa, Nana & Brody.
(These are my parents Cruz & LaurA)

Christmas morning opening gifts.
This is David, Grandpa-pa & Grandma-ma.
(David's parents, Louie and Patty)
Monday, February 09, 2009
Sooo behind....... Soo much to tell.
Brody did over-seas training in California mountain range from November to December.....
He has his mililtary drivers license, and drivers several different vehicles.

Isn't he a toughie !!! Joe Cool himself !!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Holidays..... already????
Ugggggg, I swear we just celebrated the 4th of July. SIGH. Where does it all go?
Though we had a very nice relaxing day,,,, I think next year we will
Thanksgiving was good,,, quiet and calm.... we ate out and it was really nice and NUMMY!
Afterward, we took the kids to see the new Disney movie - "Bolt.

It was a nice change, but it definitely had its positives and negatives.
* No planning or shopping --

* No prepping, thawing, peeling, or cooking --

* No dishes to clean up, etc. --

* You can be a couch potato --

* More time to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade --

* House doesn't smell all nummy --
(there are no "turkey cooking" scented candles!)

* No leftovers ----

* No flurry and excitment of company around the house ---

go back to our complicated, busy and happy tradition.
Friday, November 28, 2008
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